I have so been enjoying all the "small things in life" that have been going on this week.....
Today I have been married to my husband for 4 years! Ok, that's actually a HUGE thing!
I love my husband SO much and am so happy for all of the blessings in my life that are the result of our marriage. I had lots of trouble choosing an anniversary present. How do you thank the one person in your life that has given you so much? My hubby gives me courage, I never knew I had. Love, I never thought I deserved. Friendship that I only dreamed of having. (that's saying a lot cause I have some AMAZING friends.) Laughter that only comes from spending time with someone that loves me as much as he does. I am thankful that he works so hard to support our family. (thats a hard one for me, I have worked since I was 13 years old) I am thankful for my favorite gift from my husband, our precious, beautiful, amazing baby girls. God's love is SO big and beautiful and radiates through THE perfect man he has given me. In case you are wondering, I decided to replace his malfunctioning Ipod. Even though there are times when I feel like "she" is his second wife. I love the joy he gets from music and since I cannot carry a tune in a bucket, I am happy she can provide that for him.
Yesterday, "Bug" discovered mannequins for the first time. She was walking around Kohl's shaking their hands and looking at their feet. She was totally amazed. I laughed out loud when she saw the mannequins in the lingerie dept. She yelled, "naked babies, mommy!"
Ever since she was old enough to run, Bug has made a game out of getting undressed for bath time. She loves to run down the hall and around in the living room so we will yell, "naked babyyyyyyy!!!" It makes her giggle in delight. I guess she thought the mannequins at Kohl's wanted to join in on the fun.
Today my adorable, HEALTHY 4 month old tipped the scales at 18 pounds at her 4 month checkup. She is SUCH a good baby. She giggled when Dr. C was checking her belly and gave us all one of her HUGE toothless grins when we put her on the scale. I am amazed EVERYDAY that God blessed me with such precious little angels.
A phone call from a close friend yesterday has given me a hope that I have not felt in awhile. I have no idea the outcome, of our discussion, but knowing someone that I think so highly of thinks so highly of me is reward enough.
My precious little Koal cat is laying on my lap right now asleep. He is so totally content and happy right here in this moment. I love that I can share that feeling with him.
I am so THANKFUL for my life.
Congrats on 4 years, Tara & Kraig!! :) I'm so happy your babies are growing and doing well - they're gorgeous! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!