I wanted to share 2 cool pieces of info with you. Bug and I were giddy today when we saw all of the Martha Stewart craft kits on sale at Walmart. For $3.00 and $1.75, per kit. In the upcoming days, we will be making cards and puppets and flower accessories. Fun is more fun when you can do it for less money, don't ya think?

Speaking of Martha, we are planning on making her Fathers Day BBQ Sauce for daddy, Pepaw and Grandpa this year. My lil chef will have a blast with this one. (Calgon, take me away from the mess!!) I am going to make a label with their picuture on it and let Bug decorate too. She also want so paint bird houses for her grandpa's and a picture frame for daddy. FUN! FUN! FUN!
I got a REALLY sweet e-mail from one of the sisters at Lime Ricki! I have to admit I've been tapping my fingers waiting for a particular bathing suit to come back in stock. YES, I'm addicted. Anyway, fabulous, amazing, caring, wonderful, giving Nicole shared a new discount code with me JENSWIM09. If you haven't already gotten one of their cute suits, go there now and save 10%!!! Looking cute is cuter when you do it for less money, don't ya think?
Ok, time to finish up the last minute stuff for Bugs party and get a little more decorating INSPIRATION from my blogging friends.
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