Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"The good life is where you make the ordinary extraordinary, it's where you make the natural miraculous and it's where you make the everyday unique."

I LOVE GOD and I love positive, inspiring people that love to share how God makes a difference in their lives! I was lucky enough to tune in to the Oprah and Friends Network, to hear a guy named Rabbi Shmuley. Wow, is this guy great. Each day he talks about ways we can be better parents..he's got like 8 kids, so I'm thinking he knows what he's talking about. You may want to add this link to your favorites:

Each day he shares an inspiring message, to get us through the day! I love it! Today's message is just too great to not pass along to ya.....

"The good life is where you make the ordinary extraordinary, it's where you make the natural miraculous and it's where you make the everyday unique." - Rabbi Shumley

I hope his words make your day as fabulous and wonderful as they made mine.

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