Tomorrow is day 2 of preschool and we are all ready to go. We baked the muffins for "M" day tonight. She is getting SO great in the kitchen.

She asked for the "exact same lunch as last time mommy." So, I packed it up with a few surprises like a flower shaped sandwich and a "M" lunchbox love note. I am having a BLAST with her lunches and made it tonight, while I was making dinner. FUN!!
It's been raining allllllll day here today, which is a welcome change from the 106 degrees we have had for the past month. Our second soccer practice was cancelled.

Bug is now a member for The Amazons. (Try explaining to a 4 year old that an Amazon is a lady warrior. Our coach and his wife are very well educated. I guess they just couldn't live with a team called "The Popsicles" or "The Princesses.")
Anyway, Bug wasn't as excited about her first practice as I thought she would be and I was TOTALLY not prepared for how to handle her "soccer practice meltdown." She was NOT very excited about the way the shin guards felt with her pink cleats. (She LOVES the pink cleats) She was NOT very excited about how tired she got. I was NOT very excited when she laid down in the grass and started crying and begging to go home to watch Tom and Jerry. (Clearly, we have spent too much of our 106 degree summer, in the house.) I decided to give her some water and encouraged her to jump back in to practice. She was NOT at all happy with that plan. Instead of "catering to her fit," I decided to take her soccer ball and join in on the practice. YES, I was spending the entire time wondering how in the world a "good parent" would handle this situation. YES, I wanted to sit down with her and cuddle her. Since I didn't have my "Perfect Soccer Mom Manual" handy, I decided to keep on "practicing." Thankfully, she decided to join me and afterwards in the car, she said she had fun and wanted to "practice more tomorrow." I look forward to seeing how all of this pans out. I'm thinking I may have a VERY girlie girl on my hands. She LOVES everything about ballet and tumbling BUT her preference for a Scooby Doo lunchbox throws me off a little bit. Being a former soccer playing, "tom boy" this will be very interesting parenting moment, for sure! Either way, we are committed to this season and will follow through on that commitment.
Where the hell is that Perfect Soccer Mom Manual" when you need it? Probably in the same place as the "Wife That Never Gets Tired Manual" My husband is insists that one exists ;)
Oh Tara -
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry, but I have to laugh a bit at your soccer story. I think you handled it perfectly.
We gave up on Soccer for Bug after 2 practices. She HATED it... the competing with another team AND her own team for the ball. She wanted nothing to do with it.
The following year, we tried again. We didn't even make it to the second practice. She hated it even more the 2nd year.
So that was that. No more soccer for our Bug. 3 years later, she still doesn't want to play despite having a soccer star for a best friend. Dance and Daisies it is for us!
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So glad I stopped by ! I'm your newest follower and can't wait to read more !!! Happy Friday :)
ReplyDeleteawww what an adorable family you have!!! i found you thru new friend friday. i will be your latest follower, once i get back home to my 'real' computer! (unfortunately, our work computers will now allow us access to becoming 'followers'...) have a GREAT friday, xo